Understanding new procedures

On top of the usual therapy items and equipment that require disinfecting and washing (such as couches, fabric couch covers, towels and therapy tools/equipment), this might also include:

• a front doorbell or knocker

• handles, handrails and bannisters

• light switches

• toilet and sink area

• chairs in a waiting area

• pens or mobile device screens

• payment terminal

• computer keyboard and mouse

• bolsters and face cradles are covered with disposable couch roll and cleaned after each treatment

• using single use/ disposable alternatives where available and practical, until the pandemic has passed

• ventilating the treatment room between clients, open window and using a fan

• wearing – and asking your clients to wear - appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as a face mask and dispose of it appropriately

• wearing durable, disposable gloves, when cleaning your work premises and treatment space

• using a foot-operated pedal bin with a lid and plastic liner for rubbish

• storing dirty laundry in a plastic, resealable bag that can be disposed of once emptied

• changing your therapy disposal gown after cleaning and preparing the treatment area for the next client

• call client 24 hours before their planned treatment to check whether they are in self-isolation or have been in close contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19. If the answer is yes to either of these questions, defer their treatment for the relevant period of time. 

•  ask your client to check their temperature on the morning that they are due to come to you for a treatment, and if this is higher than usual, defer their treatment.

• ask client to bring their own water and pen

Looking after you

Have you had any symptoms of covid 9 (high temp, new persistent cough, chest pains, chronic fatigue, worse than usual headache, loss of taste or smell, flu like symptoms) in the last 7 days?

Have you been in contact with, or caring for, someone with suspected or confirmed Covid 19 in the last 14 days?

Is a member of your household in a high risk category ie shielded as considered vulnerable?

Do you come under the group of clinically vulnerable (shielded) including having had an organ transplant, having chemotherapy or radiotherapy, having leukaemia or lymphoma, have had a bone marrow transplant in the last 6 months, have severe asthma or COPD, have a high risk of getting infections (SCID or sickle cell), are taking medicine that means infection is more likely (eg steroids), have a serious heart condition and are pregnant?

Are you Pregnant, or over 70, with heart disease, diabetes, asthma, chronic kidney disease, liver disease (hepatitis), a nerve or brain disorder such as parkinsons, motor neurone, MS or cerebral palsy, those wth any condition which means they get infections easily, those taking meds which can affect the immune system, and those who are obese (BMI over 40)?

Have you been strictly following the social distancing measures outlined by the government during COVID-19?

Did you check your temperature this morning and was it normal? 

If temperature was not checked, the Therapist will take your temperature on site on the appointment day and proceed with treatment if no temperature or COVID-19 symptoms are present.

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